About District Domestic Products


The methodology for preparation of District Income estimates very much depends on availability of basic data at district level. There data available at the District level is not satisfactory for estimation of income at the district level. Nevertheless, the data in respect of Primary Sector is fairly sound, but appears to be very scanty in respect of remaining sectors. Therefore the district level data could be utilized to the extent of its availability to compute the district income estimates adopting the state level methodology. In the case of non-commodity producing sectors, where the district wise basic data are not available, the State level estimates are allocated to the districts on the basis of suitable district wise indicators. Further, in some of the commodity producing sectors, though the district wise production data are available, the corresponding prices may not be available. In such cases, district wise production and State average prices will have to be utilized for preparation of district income estimates. Apart from this, wherever certain ratios, norms, yield rates etc., are used for the State level estimates and which are normally not available at the district level, the State level ratios, yield rates etc., will have to be used for district income estimates.

Sector wise details of methodology for preparation of Gross District Value Added (GDVA) are given below


1)     CROPS

As in the Crop Sector district level data on production and prices are generally not available uniformly for all the crops, hence for estimation purpose, crops can be classified in different categories as follows:

 i.   Crops for which district-wise data on area, production and prices are available: District-wise value of output for each crop is worked out using district-wise production and prices. Average wholesale prices as collected for principal crops barring some other minor crops like small millets, other pulses, other oilseeds, sun-hemp, Mesta, etc. from defined peak marketing period are used with the production for the purpose of valuation.

ii.  Crops for which district-wise production is available but corresponding prices are not available: In such cases state weighted average prices are used for valuation. Using CSO norms, district level prices of small millets, other pulses and other oilseeds are used for preparing district level estimates.

iii.      Crops for which district-wise data, both on production and prices are not available but area is available: In such cases, district- wise value of output is worked out by allocating the state level value of output on the basis of district-wise area of the crops. Value of by-product of different crops is calculated by multiplying corresponding area of crops to prices provided by CSO. In case of kitchen garden 0.21 percent of net area sown of corresponding districts multiplying by value per hectare of fruits & vegetables except other fruits and vegetables.

iv. Miscellaneous and unspecified crops: The crops for which neither production nor prices are available even at the state level but district-wise area is available, the value of output is worked out with the help of district-wise area and state level value per hectare.

Value of Inputs: As at the state level estimates, to arrive at the district wise Gross Value Added (GVA) from Crop sector, value of various input items are to be first deducted from the Gross Value of Output (GVO) of this sector and then the gross product from operation of Government Irrigation System is added to that. The deductible inputs are same as used at the State level viz. 

        i) Seed, 

        ii) Organic manure (Cattle and Buffalo dung), 

        iii) Chemical Fertilizers 

        iv) feed of livestock, 

        v) Pesticides & Insecticides, 

        vi) Diesel oil consumption 

        vii) electricity, 

        viii) Irrigation charges, 

        ix) market charge, 

        x) Repairs and Maintenance of fixed assets and other operational costs and 

        (xi) FISIM.

        To work out the value of these input items at the district level, the state level estimates arrived at independently under the Current series of state income estimates are distributed to various districts in proportion to district         wise Gross Value of Output (GVO) of crop sector.



Similar procedure as adopted at the state level may be followed at the district level also. District-wise estimates of no. of different categories of animals and poultry is worked out from the results of latest three livestock census assuming linear/compound growth rates and utilized along with relevant yield rates to obtain the estimates of production of various livestock products and by-products and poultry meat. The study provided ratio of meat products and meat by-products to total meat produced in terms of value and quantity for each species of livestock, percentage share of value of meat products and meat by-products to total value of meat has been used in estimation of value of total output of meat. Estimation of Dung by including Sheep and Goat droplets.

 i. The results of Integrated Sample Survey (ISS) conducted by State Animal Husbandry Department provide State/District level data on production of milk, meat, wool and egg. It also provides estimates of category wise number of slaughtered animals. Wherever, ISS results are available only for the State, the estimates for district may be obtained by allocating the same to the districts on the basis of relevant livestock population. To estimate district-wise production of all other items (i.e. other than milk, meat, egg and wool), state level yield rates and ratios are utilized along with district estimates of number of relevant animals/poultry.

ii.  District-wise value of output may then be worked out by evaluating the production obtained as above, by the corresponding district prices, wherever available. In the absence of district level prices, the state prices are utilized for evaluating the district production. The total of the value of output thus worked out is adjusted to the state level estimates.

iii.  In case of other animal products, the state level value is distributed between the districts in proportion to the number of animals of each category separately.

iv.   District-wise increment in stock for each category of animal/poultry is worked out as at the State level value is distributed between the districts in proportion to the district wise number of animals of each category separately.

        Value of Inputs: As at the state level estimates, to arrive at the district wise Gross Value Added (GVA) from livestock sector, value of various input items are to be first deducted from the Gross Value of Output (GVO) of         this sector.


The estimates of State Domestic product from forestry sector are prepared by following the production approach except in case of fuel wood for which consumption approach is applied. State level estimates of this sector are distributed in the ratio of district-wise forest area to arrive at the estimates of districts. The value of output of major and minor forest products is added and 16.2 per cent of this is considered as cost of repairs and maintenance. This is to be deducted from GVO to get GVA. 


The value of output is worked out by multiplying the production by prices of inland fish, along with value of subsistence fish @ 12.5 percent of value of inland fish and added. Wherever, the district wise prices are not available, then district wise value has to be worked out using district wise production and state level prices in which case, state level prices are to be obtained. The operational costs including repairs and maintenance, i.e., @ 10 percent of value of inland fish and one percent of value of subsistence fish is to be deducted as inputs from gross value of output to get GVA. 


The gross value of output is to be estimated on the basis of value of major and minor minerals. For both major & minor minerals, the district wise value of output is collected from the state Mines and Geology Department. The state value is allocated among district separately for major minerals, minor minerals, sand and petroleum as below:

Major Minerals: The district wise value of output of major minerals is added up to allocate the state value. 

Minor Mineral: The district wise value of output of major minerals is added up to allocate the state value. 

Sand: The value of sand is allocated among districts on the basis of one third part sale value of kankar bajri in districts. 

Petroleum & Natural Gas: The value allocated among districts on the basis of production and royalty obtained petroleum department. 

The unadjusted GVA of all four is then added and input cost and FISIM is deducted to get GVA. 


The Annual Survey of Industries (ASI) is the only comprehensive source of data for the registered manufacturing sector. However, ASI provides estimates for the manufacturing establishments only, and therefore, does not provide any estimates for trading and other activities that may be provided elsewhere by the enterprise. Therefore, the services carried out by the manufacturing enterprises were not adequately covered in the ASI. In the new series, estimates have been derived using the annual accounts of Non Departmental Enterprises (NDE), Private corporate sector from MCA data base and quasi-corporations as covered by ASI, apart from the Departmental Enterprises (DEs), like Railway Workshops, GOI Printing Press and Ordnance Factories. The effective labour input method has been used for compilation category wise estimation of GVA of unincorporated manufacturing enterprises from the NSS 67th round Survey on Unincorporated Enterprises,      2010-11 and NSS 68th round Employment Unemployment Survey, 2011-12. MCA21 database not availability of the districts level for district-wise estimates, the State level estimates of this sector are distributed among the districts in the proportion of district-wise labour input (work force) from ASI report. 


        i.    Electricity: The State level estimates of GVA for electricity are allocated to the districts on the basis of number of technical and non-technical workers in electricity sector in the respective districts.

        ii.  Gas: In case of Gas sub-sector, the State level GVA distributed to districts according to the district wise population of cattle. 

                iii. Water Supply & Other Utility Services: The State level estimates of GVA from water supply & other utility services have been bifurcated among districts on the basis of working force engaged in water supply & other utility services, obtained from the 6th Economic census. 


Estimates of Gross Domestic Product for construction sector are worked out by following expenditure approach. For estimation purpose, construction sector is divided into public, supra-region, household and residual parts which are as under:

i.  Public & Supra-Regional: Public sub-sector includes Central government administration & Departmental Commercial Undertakings (DCU’s), State government administration & DCU’s, NDCU’s (Central & State). State’s GVA of above sub-sectors are allocated on the basis of working force engaged in construction activities obtained from 6th Economic Census. Supra – Regional sub-sector consist of Railways which is allocated among the districts on the basis of number of railway stations obtained from the study on Railway Sector by State DES.

ii.  RRBs, URBs, NRBs, Plantation and Other Household: construction activities undertaken by the household sector (both rural and urban), State level estimates are allocated among the districts in the proportions of projected number of houses separately for urban and rural areas. For non-residential building and other construction activities, it has been distributed among the districts on the basis of average of number of houses urban and rural houses. State level estimates of Plantation and Other Household are allocated to district wise working force engaged in construction activity obtained from 6th economic census.

iii.  Residual: State level GVA including quasi government is supplied by CSO. It is distributed among the districts in the proportion of working force engaged in construction activities. 

Thus, the estimates arrived separately as above are aggregated at the district level to provide estimates of district domestic products from construction activities. 


To estimate District Domestic product of this sector, Gross value added at state level is to be allocated in proportion of number of persons employ in trade obtained from sixth economic census.


The State level GVA of this sector is supplied by the CSO which was allocated to the districts in proportion of railway stations in the old base series. This indicator was inappropriate and did not give true picture of a district. For estimation of the district income The Directorate of Economics and Statistics conducted a study on railway sector and obtained district wise gross salary of workers employed in railway sector. Now in the new base year the GVA is allocated among various districts in proportion of district wise gross salary of workers employed in railways.


a)     Road Transport:

(i)    Public Sector: District wise working force of RSRTC employees obtained from their annual report. 

(ii)  Private Sector: The value added from private sector is allocated to the districts on the basis of district wise commercial vehicles registered in the district obtained from Transport Commissioner.

            GVA is obtained by adding public and private sector estimates.

b)   Water Transport: It is Nil in the state. 

c)  Air Transport: The State Income from this sub-sector is allocated to the districts in 20:80 ratio where 20 per cent is equally allocated to the districts with airports and remaining 80 per cent is allocated to all the districts having airports on the basis of number of air passengers. 

d) Services incidental to transport: The State Income from this sub-sector is allocated to the districts on the basis district wise combines GVA of road and air transport.

    From the gross value added obtained by adding all [(a) to (d)] FISIM is to be deducted to get final GVA. 


State level estimates are allocated to districts on the basis of Occupancy of state and central warehousing Godwans situated in the district. 


Estimates of State level GVA are allocated among various districts in proportion of number of persons engaged (Working Force) in communication services in the districts which was obtained from the 6th Economic Census. 


In the Old base the state level estimates were allocated to the districts in proportion to total credit and deposits in each district and in Insurance the State level estimates were allocated in proportion to employment in insurance sector which were inappropriate indicators. For estimation of the district income The Directorate of Economics and Statistics conducted a study on banking sector. Now in the new base year the GVA is allocated among various districts in proportion of district wise gross salary of workers employed in banking and insurance sector. 


To prepare the District Domestic Product of this sector allocation method is used. The cooperate part of state level GVA is distributed on the basis of District wise work force obtained from 6th Economic census. The Un-incooperate part distributed on the basis of District wise work force obtained from 68th round of NSS and ownership of Dwelling distributed on basis of Number of Household. 


To obtain the District level estimates, State level data is allocated in proportion of number of State Government employees in the districts. No. of state Government Employees in Districts is obtained from the publication ‘Census of State Government Employees’ published by DES. 


The economic activities covered under this sector are as under: 

                    i.    Educational Services,

                    ii.    Medical & Health Services,

                    iii.   Membership of Organizations not elsewhere classified,

                    iv.   Recreational services,

                    v.     Washing and Cleaning,

                    vi.    Hair Dressing,

                    vii.   Tailoring,

                    viii.   Funeral activities,

                    ix.    Private House Hold and

                    x.    Extra Territory services.

The District wise estimates of these sub activities are based on allocation method. The Education services, Medical services and others are estimated separately.

For allocate the cooperate part of state level education sector, district wise gross value added obtained from the survey conducted by Directorate of Economics and Statistics was used.

For remaining the state level estimates of cooperate part is in these services are distribution on the basis of District wise work force obtained from 6th Economic Census.

For Un-incooperate part of all the three sectors distributed the ratio based on district wise workforce obtained from 68th round of NSS is used.

